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This Is Me


Well actually, this is not me.  This is Shyvonne.  (Not the dancer on the flyer, but the singer posted below)  The up and coming singer from The Bronx who we have booked to perform at our next Mix Tape Riot! party.  My friend Ibe took me to see her at my friend Roxy‘s party @ Sway.  She blew me away with her dope personality and energy.  She didn’t perform this song, but I heard it on her myspace page and I think it’s really sweet.  Kinda Amy Winohousey without the beehive and nihilistic attitude.  Actually, it’s the opposite of Amy Winohouse and is really positive and uplifting.  This tuesday is going to be cruncadelic with live performances by my group, The Beatards and Nyle filling out the bill.  So here is a taste of what the party just might be like.  (Minus the booze, inappropriate touching and squeezing…)  Hope to see you there!

Shyvonne      This Is Me