Luzmila Remix | Mixtape Riot
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Luzmila Remix


Been busy all week locked up in a cabin in Idyllwild finishing an album with my co-conspirator Shana Halligan. This is the first time I can remember being so single-mindedly focussed on one project for so many hours in a row. The sleep is little, the mixing is long, but I’m excited about the music (which should finally be coming out this Summer). Due to my current hermitude, I haven’t had a chance to download any new music, or even put together a playlist of songs that I’ve been sleeping on, but I did realize that I never shared this recent Captain Planet remix of mine on this site. So voila! This is available on a truly great EP released by legendary Argentinian record label ZZK, which collected remixes of indigenous Bolivian singer Luzmila Carpio. I took her folk roots and added some heavy percussion and moody synths and a touch of my trademark marimba which I seem to never get enough of haha. Check it out below and please support if you dig it!