Been feeling extra grateful lately. No single big thing going on to attribute that to, just feeling like I need to soak up every good moment and focus on small details that show everyday proof of love. I miss my buddy Sumo. I miss my childhood best friend Adam who passed a full 14 years ago. I look at my 3 year old making a corny joke and I could burst into tears of joy. I guess I’m feeling sentimental, but I definitely don’t want it to go away. I’ve had a year of reaching fruition in so many ways, and now I’ve got the sweet taste of rich juice on my tongue and I’m savoring it, staring at the pulp daydreaming of planting 10 million acres of fruit trees. And it’s quite funny for me to have this blog as a diary, to look back at the playlists I was posting 14 years ago, and still love that music, and still feel inspired by the same sparks, and still believe in the simple power of sharing these gems old and new from all around this precious planet. Today we have sounds from a super dope young Greek producer who I discovered this summer while digging at a record store in Athens. Sounds from Brazil, Colombia (where I will travel to on Thursday for my first time ever!), Israel, Turkey, Mali, Martinique, Lesotho, Cape Verde, more Cape Verde (including one of my all time favorite songs by Cesaria Evora), Malawi, Puerto Rico, and muthafuggin LATVIA. Ok??? If this fat collection of under-appreciated sonic gold doesn’t prove that this world is chock full of beauty, then lord help your pessimistic light forsaken soul. Also, super cool artwork today comes courtesy of Hilary Pecis who has lots more to keep you tingling as well. Press play and bump loudly…
James • February 7, 2025
Glad you’re still doing your thing – found your website ages ago when it was the Captain’s Crate from 05-06, I believe originally linked via Metafilter.