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Search For The Perfect Hummus


I didn’t want to talk about this too much for fear of jinx-ing it, but now that it’s actually happening I’m still in a state of overjoyed disbelief. Currently writing this to you from 35,000 feet in the air on a non-stop Emirates flight to Dubai. For the next two weeks I have the immense pleasure of playing records alongside one of my favorite deejays (and friends), the legendary Nickodemus, founder of Turntables On The Hudson and Wonderwheel records. Dubai, Beirut, Cairo, Amman… all cities I’ve never been, with really cool parties that I’m very excited to play at. The first one will be this Friday, March 27th at Zero Gravity in Dubai. Then on Saturday we’ll be in Beirut doing this RBMA event. If you have friends in the vicinity, let them know we’ll be bringing the heat! I will try to keep you guys updated with more details and mp3’s, but in the meanwhile, enjoy this ridiculous mix of rare funky vintage records from the mid-east that you probably won’t be able to find anywhere else.


Luzmila Remix


Been busy all week locked up in a cabin in Idyllwild finishing an album with my co-conspirator Shana Halligan. This is the first time I can remember being so single-mindedly focussed on one project for so many hours in a row. The sleep is little, the mixing is long, but I’m excited about the music (which should finally be coming out this Summer). Due to my current hermitude, I haven’t had a chance to download any new music, or even put together a playlist of songs that I’ve been sleeping on, but I did realize that I never shared this recent Captain Planet remix of mine on this site. So voila! This is available on a truly great EP released by legendary Argentinian record label ZZK, which collected remixes of indigenous Bolivian singer Luzmila Carpio. I took her folk roots and added some heavy percussion and moody synths and a touch of my trademark marimba which I seem to never get enough of haha. Check it out below and please support if you dig it!


El Coco Remix


Got another new one for you! Download is as free as the wind (for all my broke-ass Deejays out there).  I made this remix for a great new compilation of sounds from South America and beyond. You can check out the full comp Frenete Bolivarista right here. Funny thing is, they messed up the TITLE of the song and then it premiered on the THUMP Brazil music blog with the incorrect title. Ayyy chi! I want to apologize to the group Los Folkloristas, but then again, this is a bootleg remix after all, and things like this do get lost in translation sometimes when files are bouncing between continents. Once again, this is some bass-heavy latin roots designed to kick up dust on a dancefloor near you.

Please feel free to download the correctly titled MP3 right here, then bump loudly!

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Somewhere Else


I’m currently feelin a strong itch to get away. Actually more like full blown poison ivy attack mixed with hives. That’s the kind of all-over full body itch I’m talking about. Maybe it’s partly due to the anticipation of travel that is hopefully (fingers crossed) in my near future. I try not to jinx anything until I have my ticket in hand. I’ve been working steadily on a ton of new music which will surely leak its way onto this site over the next several months, and potentially, I’ll be typing about it from someplace as pretty as the underwater world above. For now though, press play on this big selection of outernational sounds that can help you mentally reposition yourself closer to the equator (unless you’re reading this in Ecuador). I’ve got a touch of Jamaica, Colombia, Brazil, Cambodia and West Africa in the mix, plus some other goodies that should get you moving.

Tarrus Riley :       Burning Desire
one of the finest reggae roots singers doing it today

El Búho :       Pescado Negro
deep and trippy future cumbia vibes from this cat

Castro :       Twitch (ft. Branko & Poté)
big collabo zouk bass tune from this UK producer

Joyce Moreno :       Aldeia De Ogum (Psychemagik Remix)
the Psyche dudes hit home once again- trippy, breezy, and just enough bounce

Afriquoi :       Kudaushe
african future roots outta London

Tony Quattro :       Zulu Carnival
heavy big room tune from this NYC dj for Branko’s Enchufada label.

Davido :       Skelewu
smash hit from Nigeria’s current mega-dude that I slept on for way too long

2face Idibia :       GO ft. Machel Montano
another big name in the Naija scene featuring the undisputed Trini carnival king

Mc Jaja :       Eu Quero é Tu
I hear from Chief Boima this one is making major waves throughout Brazil and I can hear why

Staff Benda Bilili :       Osali Mabe
feel good modern roots music from the Congo

Vieux Gazeur :       Mon Pépé
some drum-heavy zouglou bizniz from Cote D’Ivoire designed specifically to move your rump

Bulimundo :       Santo Antoni la Belem (Hide & Smile Edit)
moving onward to the funky side of Cape Verde, comes this excellent edit from the Sofrito crew

Shawn Lee’s Ping Pong Orchestra :       Ghost In The Rain (ft. Clutchy Hopkins & Chhom Nimol)
leaving you with a moody psychedelic slow jam featuring the Cambodian songstress front-woman from Dengue Fever. Would love to collabo with her one day…


New Dorp. New York Bootleg

New Dorp

Just wanted to share this quick edit I made of a tune from the latest SBTRK album featuring vocals by Ezra Koenig. I know this guy’s voice verges on being annoying, but something about this song always gets me and I wanted to have a version I could drop for the dancefloor. Just gave it a touch of extra sauce, hope you dig. FREE DOWNLOAD get it while the gettin’ is good.


Back at Acabar


Attention all my Angelenos! Got a whole lot cooking this week for Grammy festivities, starting tonight. I’m doing a not-so-open event earlier in the night with Questlove & Charli XCX which I’m pretty stoked about, but then the real party will be at Acabar afterwards with my BKLA partner DJ Cato and this month’s guests Aaron DRM & Erik The Red (who collectively run Bastard Jazz Records). We also have some special guests who will be dropping in to add some extra flavor to the mix (I see you Plann B!). If you’ve never been to Acabar, you are sleeping! This spot is seriously gorgeous and the sound system is proper. I had time to put together a quick playlist with a few new joints that will probably get played tonight. Hope to see you there…

Anderson Paak :       Miss Right

ODESZA :       All We Need ft. Shy Girls

Love Taps :       Back For More ft. Maya Killtron

AlunaGeorge :       Kaleidoscope Love (Kaytranada Edition)

Branko :       Eventually ft. Alex Rita & Bison

Full Crate :       Hurt Your Back &       Really Love

Sleey Tom & Gladiator :       Cruise Control

Dengue Dengue Dengue! :       R2

Hiatus Kaiyote :       By Fire

iZem :       Sadeo ft. Feather

Buyepongo :       Mulatu Para Ti