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Black Messiah


Thank you lord! Just after most deejays and media outlets started posting their year-end best album lists- along comes the REAL best album (perhaps in the past 5 years?!?). In case you didn’t know, I’m a pretty big fan of D’angelo, and recieving Black Messiah could not have come at a more perfect moment. We all need this album right now. Love, madness, psychedelic soul and sexiness all put together perfectly by a team of geniuses, sounding fresher than a gallon of Listerine (even after a 14 year hiatus). And don’t get it twisted, the man is not on some Yeezus ego-maniacal trip. Get the album for youself and see what I’m talking about. There’s a bunch of other funky-as-hell tunes I’m happy to be sharing with you all for the holidaze as well. Cheers to keeping your hips in motion and your spirit lifted!

D’Angelo :       Betray My Heart &       Really Love

Mark Ronson :       Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars

Usher :       She Came To Give It To You ft. Nicki Minaj)

The Rub ft. Tatiana Owens :       Bring On The Love (Disco Mix)

Owiny Sigoma Band :       Nyiduonge Drums

Ricky Blaze :       Overrated ft. Kranium & Shaggy

Serocee :       Propellah

ODESZA ft. Zyra :       Say My Name (Hermitude Remix)

AlunaGeorge :       Supernatural (Pomo Remix)

Pomo :       Start Again ft. Andrea Cormier


Mr. Schitzo Disco


Big mixed bag of new tunes for you today to help kick off your week. I experienced some major tectonic plate shifts in my emotional landscape last week, so maybe you can hear a bit of that in the selections. Perhaps you’ve been feeling some type of way yourself, and need the musical medication as bad as I do. Or maybe you’ve just been going through the motions on the treadmill and need a little synthesizer disco love to creep in and grab your ventricles with a rebel takeover. Whatever the case may be, press play and see where the melody takes you. Artwork today is from collage maestro Eugenia Loli, who I started following recently and am really digging.

Niia :       Body
Can’t say I’m a huge fan of the rest of this gal’s EP, but the trademark Robin Hannibal production on this song is top-notch as always

Fat Freddy’s Drop :       Slings & Arrows
always a good day when I hear a new song from this crew

Sinkane :       How We Be &       New Name
I keep returning to this album and loving it more. Gonna make this year’s top 10 for sure.

Joe Hertz :       Isolate ft. Kaleem Taylor
smoothed out head nod vibe featuring this UK soul crooner

Shy Girls :       When I Say I Love U (Saux Remix)
sexy time with a little bounce, from this Dutch producer

Jordan Bratton :       Must Be (Esta Remix)
nice stepper R&B flavor getting the flip by Soulection producer ESTA

Vic Mensa :       Down On My Luck
looking forward to hearing more catchy rap from this up-n-comer

Caribou :       Can't Do Without You
another album that will probably be on this year’s top 10. so good

Pomo :       Vibrator
this funky Canadian continues to deliver pure murderation with each new track

Alina Baraz & Galimatias :       Pretty Thoughts
I was a little late hearing about this girl, but I’m sure the name will continue to spread like wildfire with vibey masterpieces like this

Darondo :       Didn't I (Dave Allison Rework)
underground sweet soul classic gets a nice subtle 2-step remix by this disco-edit don dadda



Piece Of The Sky


Total mix of sounds for you this week. Some slightly older tunes I’ve only just discovered, as well as a few brand new future-classics (Disclosure with Mary J. Blige!?!). There’s some real mellow, soulful tracks and a few uptempo dancefloor fillers too. Don’t always try to make sense of the bouillabaisse, just press play and see if you agree that these are all worthy listens. The rad photo of a drive-in theater above was jacked from an instagram feed by Michael Goldberg that I follow and thoroughly enjoy. If you like faces that tell stories and stark landscapes, check him out.

Fredericks Brown :       What Lies Within &       Everywhere somehow I missed this release from my pals who played at a Mixtape Riot party way back…

AlunaGeorge :       Attracting Flies
still coming back to this album for inspiration

Sleigh Bells :       To Hell With You
interesting way of taking a semi-sweet melody and making it really hard. Definitely not mad at this.

Wayne Warshall ft. Assasin :       Stupid Money
undeniably catchy tune sung by a pack of 7 year old’s and 2 of Jamaica’s finest.

Pomo :       Work It Out
seriously funky swing on a soulful electro beat by this cat

Disclosure ft. Mary J Blige :       F For You
these brothers can do no wrong right now, and I hope Mary J gets the hint that this is exactly what she needs to keep doing!

Cosmo Baker & Grandtheft :
style crossing collabo  between 2 dj’s I very much respect. Something to please the disco heads and bass fiends alike.

Ibibio Sound Machine :       Let's Dance (Yak Inek Unek)
electro african dance music like this is something I rarely get enough of

Brenmar :       Medusa feat. Rush Davis
very much looking forward to the full album from this club killer

BADBADNOTGOOD :       Hedron
jazz meets trap? Yeah that’s what these young canucks are doing.