Hey guys, sorry but my website got hacked. It was first noticeable in small things, like malicious pop-ups when people would try to click on an embedded link or one of the songs. But then visual themes on pages disappeared, the site became insanely slow, and I couldn’t even make a new post because the admin dashboard was not functioning correctly. This has been extremely frustrating, and thankfully, I’ve had some help from folks to get the website back to a place where I could make this post and get rid of the pop-ups. But all the frustration also forced me to re-think the future of this site, and what it is that I’m trying to do.
To put it simply, I’m not really sure yet, but I may be looking at a transition away from this blog the way it has been for 15 years now. I know, for some of you out there who have been reading & following for about that long, it’s pretty crazy. But I feel like there might be better ways to continue doing what I’ve been doing on here. I’m not clear on what that will look like exactly, or what the platform will be (maybe it’s multiple outlets). With that said, please stay tuned for the future iteration, whatever that may be. Rest assured, I’m not going to stop digging up gems to share with the world!
As a consolation for your patience, I present to you all one of the deepest collections of cuts I’ve ever posted (some of them recorded from my own vinyl). It’s the very reason that I can’t just go and make a Spotify playlist to post, because a lot of these gems won’t be there. **I do however have a MTR Spotify playlist with some of the best ones from over the years**. So here’s to the future, whatever it may hold in store. Art today comes from a surprising source- Action Bronson (who knew?!?)
Andrew Optimist • February 4, 2022
What a jam packed collection!!!
gate io • May 25, 2023
I may need your help. I’ve been doing research on gate io recently, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Later, I read your article, and I think your way of writing has given me some innovative ideas, thank you very much.